Flugelhorn 2

The Ultimate In Smooth

When it comes to solo brass, only the real thing can deliver the full expression and authentic character of the instrument. With its fatter, darker tone, in the hands of a skilled player, the Flugelhorn can bring a mellow and airy timbre full of character to almost any musical project. Flugelhorn 2 is part of the Elastik Instrument Series and features the outstanding playing of Axel Beineke. The sound and playing in Flugelhorn 2 capture the instruments character to perfection, creating a sophisticated, late-night, intimate mood.

Instruments, Lounge
1.4 GB, 695 Loops & Phrases
49.00 €
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Loop Library for the free Ueberschall Elastik Player
VST2/3, AU, AAX and Standalone for macOS and Windows

Soulful Lead Lines

With over 1.4 GB of sample data, the nearly 700 loops and phrases are arranged into 43 performance folders. Each folder contains between 12 and 21 individual phrases that can easily be combined to create a full solo performance. The playing is soft, breezy and light and the sound is deep, breathy and hugely expressive. The original recording tempos span 60 to 90 BPM. Elastik's powerful tempo manipulation tools allow you to easily fit the sample content into your project tempo, while the ReTune feature allow you to add further melodic variations if required or to combine phrases from different folders.

Masterful Performances Packed With Character

The sound and style is reminiscent of Jazz Flugelhorn maestro Till Brönner and these soulful lead lines would work perfectly for RnB, Soul, LoFi, Lounge and, of course, Jazz. Flugelhorn 2 complements other releases from the Instrument Series like Acoustic Bass 2, Downtempo Guitar or Tenor Saxophone. The library is a perfect choice for producers or media composers looking to add a touch of genuinely classy brass to their next downtempo, jazz-influenced, composition.


Flugelhorn played by Axel Beineke whose credits include Al Porcino Big Band, Albert Mangelsdorff, Connexion Latina, Charly Antolini, NDR-Big Band, Herb Geller, Roger Cicero and many more.

Attention: The backing loops used in the demo are not part of the library!

Instrument: Flugelhorn

Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone

1.4 GB, 695 Flugelhorn Loops & Phrases

Flugelhorn: 695
While Elastik is a hugely creative tool, it also provides an extremely efficient workflow. The streamlined browser means that no matter how large your Elastik loop library becomes, you can always find just the right loop in an efficient fashion. Elastik also includes advanced features such as tagging and filtering, making it easy to narrow down any search. The browser allows you to easily audition loops in BPM, key and scale sync with your project. And if you want to add new loop libraries from the Ueberschall range, the authorization process is fast and secure.


Reggae Guitar
Reggae Guitar
49.00 €
2.3 GB, 390 Loops & Phrases
Vibrato Guitar
Vibrato Guitar
99.00 €
6.4 GB, 1229 Loops & Phrases
Slide Guitar
Slide Guitar
49.00 €
1.6 GB, 495 Loops & Phrases
Tremolo Guitar
Tremolo Guitar
49.00 €
2.5 GB, 601 Loops & Phrases