C.R.U.N.K. - Southern Storm
Beat, November 2010
With this sample DVD, which is dedicated to the trendy fusion of hip-hop and dance, reveals Ueberschall to have their fingers on the pulse of the time once again. The 3.4 GB library contains 24 powerful construction kits in song format with tempos ranging between 58 and 127 BPM. Besides a main theme, this library offers intro and outro parts as well as variations. And with the aid of the flexible Elastik Player the contained drum and percussion loops, synth sequences, basslines, vocals phrases, chord progressions, atmospheres and sound effects can be combined in any number of ways and comfortably edited. The high quality and powerful sound of the stylish sample collection also deserves great praise.
translated by Andreas Reinsch/ueberschall
RATING: 6/6 (Beat editorial staff's choice)