Wild Chases Revisited

Hard Hitting Guitar Sounds

Wild Chases Revisited takes the dramatic electronica-based construction kits found in the original Wild Chases release and reimagines them as powerful, hard hitting, guitar-based rock. With overdriven electric guitars, driving electric bass, and powerful acoustic drum performances, Wild Chases Revisited can deliver the perfect combination of dark moods, tension and a sinister edge for your next music cue or song project.

Rock, Score Music
4.8 GB, 10 Construction Kits, 1174 Loops & Phrases
99.00 €
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Loop Library for the free Ueberschall Elastik Player
VST2/3, AU, AAX and Standalone for macOS and Windows

Hard-Hitting Overdriven Guitars

Containing over 4GB of data featuring nearly 1200 loops, Wild Chases Revisited is organized into 10 massive construction kits matching the 10 kits found in the original Wild Chases release. Each kit features between two and four distinct musical sections as well as dedicated intro and outro parts. This format makes it easy to build a full musical arrangement with plenty of variation. Original tempos range from 130 to 150 BPM to maintain the sense of fast-paced motion. And, with Elastik's high-quality tempo manipulation tools, you can easily match the tempo of the kits to your project's exact needs.

Powerful Drum Rhythms

Within each construction kit, each section contains multiple guitar parts and a bass line. Recordings from the live amp and a DI (line) signal are available for both guitar and bass meaning you have a great studio recording for instant results or the option to apply your own distortion and effects. Additional guitar and sound effects loops are included in many of the kit sections for additional variety. The acoustic drum parts are provided as both a pre-mixed loop (for ease of use) and as full multitrack loop sets. The latter include kick drum with three different microphone positions, snare drum with top and bottom mics, hihat, tom, overheads and three different room microphones. You therefore have complete control over your drum mix. It also offers creative options such as using the alternative kick drum mics with Elastik's pitch, formant and speed tools if you want a more experimental drum sound.

Designed For Tension, Drama And Suspense

The two Wild Chases titles make the perfect combination. Owners of both libraries can easily blend between the electronica of the original release and the rock of the Revisted title. As with the original release, Wild Chases Revisited is a great choice for film or TV composers looking to create a sense of drama, tension, intensity and suspense. It's also ideal for songwriters looking for a dark and dramatic rock mood.


Guitar, Bass and Synths played by Kai Reuter. Drums played by Matthias Meusel.

Genre: Cinematic

Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone

4.8 GB, 10 Construction Kits, 1174 Cinematic Loops & Samples

Mixes: 50
Backings: 50
Drum Loops: 50
Bassdrum: 146
Snare Top: 47
Snare Bottom: 47
HiHast: 49
Toms: 48
Overheads: 50
Rooms: 150
Electric Bass: 100
Electric Guitar: 185
Distorted Guitar: 186
Guitar Effects: 11
Synthesizer: 5
While Elastik is a hugely creative tool, it also provides an extremely efficient workflow. The streamlined browser means that no matter how large your Elastik loop library becomes, you can always find just the right loop in an efficient fashion. Elastik also includes advanced features such as tagging and filtering, making it easy to narrow down any search. The browser allows you to easily audition loops in BPM, key and scale sync with your project. And if you want to add new loop libraries from the Ueberschall range, the authorization process is fast and secure.


90s Rock Riffs
90s Rock Riffs
49.00 €
3.3 GB, 25 Kits, 971 Loops & Phrases
Rock Fusion
Rock Fusion
49.00 €
2.6 GB, 5 Kits, 638 Loops & Phrases
Rock Ballads 2
Rock Ballads 2
99.00 €
8 GB, 10 Kits, 1325 Loops & Phrases
Looptool 3
Looptool 3
49.00 €
2 GB, 31 Kits, 649 Loops & Samples