Shred Guitar

Faster, louder, higher! Shred Guitar, part of our Instrument Series, shines with expertly played guitar licks suitable for genres such as rock and metal. Tremolo, Sliding, Bending, Shredding, Hammer-On, Pull-Off, Feedback, Whammy-Bar, Crunch, Clean, Distortion, Dive-Bomb, Vibrato - this library has it all.

Metal, Instruments
620 MB, 252 Loops & Samples
49.00 €
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Loop Library for the free Ueberschall Elastik Player
VST2/3, AU, AAX and Standalone for macOS and Windows

Expertly Played Guitar Licks

The loops in Shred Guitar range in length from 4 to 16 bars. The tempo varies between 100 BPM (Double Time), 120 BPM and 160 BPM. Each loop is available in three versions - a total of 252 loops to choose from:

1- Distorted
2- Clean Amp
3- Clean Line Signal

Versions 1 and 2 capture the sound of two different mic'ed amps. Version 3 is the clean signal for use with your own effects. All guitar licks were played on Gibson, Ibanez or Fender guitars. As usual, the sounds are in 24-bit, 44.1kHz audio quality.

Guitar Lessons

Shred Guitar is a handy companion if you want to improve your guitar skills. The solo licks can be played at half speed, but with the original pitch. You can also loop short passages and study the licks in detail. You can even transpose licks to a different pitch.


All Guitars played by Kai Reuter

Attention: The backing loops used in the demo are not part of the library!

Instrument: Distorted Guitar

Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone

620 MB, 252 Shred Guitar Loops & Phrases

Distorted Amp: 84
Clean Amp: 84
Line Signal: 84
While Elastik is a hugely creative tool, it also provides an extremely efficient workflow. The streamlined browser means that no matter how large your Elastik loop library becomes, you can always find just the right loop in an efficient fashion. Elastik also includes advanced features such as tagging and filtering, making it easy to narrow down any search. The browser allows you to easily audition loops in BPM, key and scale sync with your project. And if you want to add new loop libraries from the Ueberschall range, the authorization process is fast and secure.


Metal Bundle
Metal Bundle
444.00 €
179.00 €
30 GB, 106 Kits, 12.039 Loops & Phrases
Metal Riffs
Metal Riffs
99.00 €
2.3 GB, 800 Loops & Phrases
Metal 2
Metal 2
99.00 €
3.1 GB, 10 Kits, 909 Loops & Samples
Thrash Metal
Thrash Metal
49.00 €
1.9 GB, 10 Kits, 956 Loops & Samples