Kamran Tatar





Kamran Tatar (A-tee) started off his carrier in San Jose California and is now based in Sweden as the directory manager and main producer for “Sound Factory productions Sweden” in the city of Västerås. He is the man behind Ueberschalls stunning Oriental RnB, Balkan Lines and the empire series. This product line keeps some of the hottest titles with contemporary western standards, blended with a tasteful touch of the east.
A-tee has been producing music for companies such as Sony music and Virgin records. With years of experience in the business as a successful producer and with his unique multi-cultural taste of modern music, he has featured various artists of various styles since the late 80’s.

About Ueberschall



"Before I start producing libraries for ueberschall, I bought every single Ueberschall release. What always fascinated me about Ueberschall was not only a single aspect, but a combination of many various features.
Ueberschall was always by far ahead of time from all the other sample producers! A product from ueberschall always guaranteed a complete up to date music production tool in total sync with the commercial markets values and requirements.

As a fussy producer you should keep the sound quality of the samples in precise focus. In my opinion the dynamics of the loops and the general sound quality is the heart of a new modern production, and you don’t get anything less when you apply these pro-quality samples to your productions.

Finally you could always guess the contents of a good thing from its shell! There is not a single ueberschall release on the internet that I could not recognize by the first look at the cover! You guys have also a great graphic taste that truly reflects the work we producers put into the Audio designing!

cheers.. ;-)"

- Kamran Tatar


More infos available here:




Bollywood Pop
Bollywood Pop
99.00 €
3.48 GB, 20 Kits, 1462 Loops & Samples
Balkan Lines
Balkan Lines
99.00 €
3.6 GB, 36 Kits, 1070 Loops & Samples
Oriental RnB
Oriental RnB
99.00 €
3.2 Gb, 40 Kits, 1357 Loops & Samples